
Low-frequency and low-amplitude vibration Measurement Example1


Low-frequency and low-amplitude vibration Measurement Example1

The system is designed mainly for low-frequency and low-amplitude vibrations. The measurement frequency range is DC to approx. 100 Hz. The lower measurement limit is 10^-5 (m/s2) with the servo accelerometer LS-10C and 10^-6 (m/s2) with the LS-40C. The servo accelerometer power supply LF-20 can accommodate up to three LS-10C/40C units. Vibration waveform information is output as an AC voltage. A level recorder or A/D converter is therefore required to supply the output to a computer for data processing.


Product List

Product Name
LS-10C Servo Accelerometer

LS-40C Servo Accelerometer

LF-20 Servo Accelerometer Power Supply


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